I guess you're wondering what blog is this and find it rather strange for this blog to be empty. It's rather new and soon to be updated with stuffs. I do admit that my previous blogs are dead, but hopefully this one would be kept alive with the artworks that i'll update on and off.
Purpose of creating this blog ;-
- To post my artworks permanently
- As an online gallery to showcase my artworks where, it can archieved
- To just express my random thoughts, life and things i think about Cars, design, etc..
- To find exposure over my artwork, people, oppurtunities, and dreams into becoming.
Well [:C+:D] just basically means C - Car and D- Design , where i have a huge interest in both Cars and Art. Mesh them up, and you'll get Car design. I have to express that without the movie Fast and the Furious, having my art teacher to ask us to draw a Malaysian Car, My friend Dion as an inspiration, Friends in school that allowed me to express and have some fun in drawing dream cars, i wouldnt think i would have cultivated this culture in me within the 9 years of drawing. I also do thank God for giving me this awesome gift especially unique, different, one of a kind rare in Malaysia like a Gem, interest among the rest long before, and to where I am, I couldn't have been without him. Hope you enjoy the Blog then!